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Photovoltaic response around a unique180{ extdegree} ferroelectric domain wall in single crystalline BiFeO3

机译:光伏响应围绕一个独特的180 {\ textdegree}铁电体   单晶BiFeO3中的畴壁



Using an experimental setup designed to scan a submicron sized light spot andcollect the photogenerated current through larger electrodes, we map thephotovoltaic response in ferroelectric BiFeO3 single crystals. We study theeffect produced by a unique 180{\textdegree} ferroelectric domain wall (DW) andshow that the photocurrent maps are significantly affected by its presence andshape. The effect is large in its vicinity and in the Schottky barriers at theinterface with the Au electrodes, but no extra photocurrent is observed whenthe illuminating spot touches the DW, indicating that this particular entity isnot the heart of specific photo-electric properties. Using 3D modelling, weargue that the measured effect is due to the spatial distribution of internalfields which are significantly affected by the charge of the DW due to itsdistortion.
机译:使用设计用于扫描亚微米大小的光斑并收集通过较大电极的光生电流的实验装置,我们绘制了铁电BiFeO3单晶中的光伏响应。我们研究了由独特的180 {\ textdegree}铁电畴壁(DW)产生的效应,并表明光电流图受其存在和形状的影响很大。该效应在其附近以及与金电极的界面处的肖特基势垒中较大,但是当照明点接触DW时未观察到额外的光电流,表明该特定实体不是特定光电性质的核心。使用3D建模,Wargue认为所测量的效果是由于内部场的空间分布所致,而内部场的空间分布受DW电荷由于其失真而显着影响。



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